All you need to know about an Air Ambulance!
An air ambulance is a necessary lifesaving tool, but booking a flight all by yourself during emergencies can be a challenge on its own. You are bound to see many phrases and terminology that are not familiar to, which is what makes it harder to choose the right provider or the package you need than it should be. This is why Book Air Ambulance in India wants to help you out with and in doing so we are sharing some of the most frequently used air ambulance terms that you are prone to come across as you try to find an ambulance package that will suit your needs and at the same time turn out to be very cost-efficient. We will explain both, the actual definitions of these terms as well as their implications. Air Ambulance: It is a fixed-wing aircraft that transports injured or sick people in a medical emergency or over distances or territory impractical for a conventional ground ambulance. Similar to the traditional road-bound ambulance, the air ambulance is often equipped with m...